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Visual Identity

Photo showing difference between burger king and mcdonalds packaging
Burger king (left) and McDonald’s (right) visual identity


Brand visual identity is the collection of visual elements – Color, logo, graphics, product, packaging and more, that represent a brand and distinguish it in the minds of the audience.

These elements visually express a brand’s personality, values and evoke specific emotions. Brands strive to keep these design elements consistent across various platforms and mediums like website, social media, product, packaging and advertisements.

At this stage, we hope you already have a brand name for which you wish to define a visual identity. If not, checkout our brand name guide first.

The following mini lessons will walk you through various aspects of visual identity for your business or personal brand like: colour psychology, logo design, package design, social media theming and more.


01. How to choose a color for your brand? (DIY guide)

02. How to choose a logo design for your brand ? (DIY guide)

03. Package design basics (Coming soon)

04. Social media themes (Coming soon)

Visual identity – inspiration & ideas

We hope you’ve gone through the visual identity guide and found it helpful. If you’re feeling lucky and looking for some logo design and package design ideas, we got you covered! You can find tons of examples and ideas for various different business contexts below.