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About us

Hi there!

Thank you for taking the time out to know more about us.

We’re a team comprising of a designer, marketer and software engineer with a combined experience of 18+ years in the branding and online business space.

We started Brandfolds with the mission of sharing our knowledge and expertise to help anyone looking to build and grow their own brand.

We aim to share quality information in the form of bite-sized lessons making it easy for anyone looking to build and grow their own business or personal brand.

Our guides cover a wide range of topics in brand building like:

  • Brand name – Creating brand name, registering and protecting name
  • Visual Identity – Logo design, packaging, Website design, Social media design
  • Brand awareness – Social media marketing, Website SEO, Email marketing

We also review quality tools and provide useful suggestions, so people can save time, money and focus more on their brand building journey.

We’re all ears for feedback, partnerships and collaborations of any kind.
Feel free to get in touch: brandfolds@gmail.com

Your friends,
– Team Brandfolds